5 major drawbacks iPhone 5

The fact that the iPhone 5 is undoubtedly one of the best devices of the time, I would like to point out five nasty flaws of this device. So to say that there is room to grow.

1. Fragility

iPhone 5 - is a kind of decoration, not only in appearance, but at the price of the gadget. Yes, jewelry is easily scratched, but because they are expensive, then they have to take care as the apple of an eye, right? But seriously, the fragility of the new iPhone clearly adds to his points. The problem with scratched models that go directly from the factory, has been solved, but otherwise muffled your device during activity quickly unusable form.

2. Battery

Frankly, the problem of weak batteries for everyone from Apple to Nokia. So the iPhone 5 just continues to this sad trend - it keeps the charge is slightly better than the iPhone 4S, but not so good to be able to speak of a revolution. Although, full-time and lasts.

3. iOS

Despite the very important (which in no way be underestimated) innovation on the hardware side - fast A6 processor and a new front HD-camera - iOS 6 are practically does not use, mobile platform uses very little power increased last iPhone. In terms of software until the iPhone 5 does not bring any new features - in your hands the same 4S, but with an extended screen.

4. Lightning jack and accessories

Most users of the iPhone 5 does not buy more after buying new accessories to it - as a rule, they have long been bought and are waiting for a new owner. However, with the arrival of the iPhone 5 will probably have to throw out - a smartphone elementary different slot. True, the change of the connector (first put into service already since 2003) was asking for several years, with the increased speed of the new port charging and syncing. Accessories but, unfortunately, were not helpful, though, costing significant money.

5. Applications will not open in full screen

Perhaps the most minor problem in this list. Yes, not all applications are optimized for a 4-inch screen iPhone 5, but it is, after all, a matter of time. Software is constantly updated list of applications that support the new screen, is growing every day: so that in this situation it is best to just wait.

And if you're not happy about this, we recall that the optimization is not just stretch the image to fill the screen as many people think, and in the serious work of rewriting the application - sometimes from scratch. After all, not only adds support for Retina, but many other features that offer iPhone 5.

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