Apple claimed that the wording in the interview about the cheap iPhone

And while Apple's share of the smartphone market is 20%, the company gets 75% of the total profit of the sector, said a top manager of the company in an interview with Chinese portal Shanghai Evening News.
Learn that the head of product marketing at Apple Phil Schiller gave comments on rumors of withdrawal inexpensive version of the smartphone iPhone, was amazing. However, Reuters journalists were able to contact representatives of the American company and confirmed that such an interview. It is noteworthy that a day after the publication in the text of a note has been changed a number of formulations.

If previously claimed that Apple will not produce more cheap smartphones iPhone, now all references to cheap phone removed from the text of the interview and became the dominant language that «Apple is not going to blindly increase the share of the market, but intends to offer only the best products."

Steve Jobs rarely comment on rumors about future products. But this week, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, citing unnamed sources said that Apple plans to release a more affordable iPhone. Analysts had recommended that a similar model in order to strengthen its market position. Now, if the published edition of the Chinese words, you can still consider statements Schiller, Apple makes it clear that such cheap smartphones are not "the best products" - hence the release of the company is going.

The official representative of Apple Reuters confirmed the authenticity of the note and the fact that a corrected text of the original interview. The new version of Schiller explains that he would not discuss any future products. Apparently, because of the language barrier and the difference in mentality Chinese journalists and public relations Apple just did not understand each other at once.

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