Bloomberg: iPhone at a price of $ 99 to $ 149 will be released at the end of the year

This is the third source of the web says about the inevitability of the release of the budget version of the smartphone iPhone. Thus, according to news agency Bloomberg, referring to its sources in the company, Apple is working on a compact version of the iPhone, designed for emerging markets. The device will be available in late 2013.

Unofficial information that Apple is developing low-cost version of its smartphone appears regularly for the past few years, but it has not yet been confirmed. Until now, instead of developing an affordable iPhone California company just reduced the price of the previous versions of your device immediately after the more modern generation.

Sources claim that Apple is planning to change that strategy. According to Bloomberg, the company is currently developing a version of the iPhone, which will cost from 99 to 149 dollars. The new smartphone will be used less expensive compared to the iPhone 5 components and materials of the body, it will also be smaller. It is designed specifically for emerging markets, where the normal version was not widely used because of cost.

Observers believe Bloomberg, iPhone out of the budget is not enough to compete with other manufacturers of smartphones - especially with Samsung. The analysts of the company J'son & Partners Consulting doubt that Apple - one of the leaders of the media industry - go the way of its nearest competitors. 
"Of course, Apple understands that under competition to fill other niches, including the price, but it goes the other way. For example, along with the new iPhone 5 on sale still have the old model iPhone 4S, and even there yet iPhone 4 at a lower price. There is some doubt that together with the full version of iPhone will be released model "for the poor." Although an example of flexibility in the value segment, the company still appears, for example, with the release iPad mini, which has become a popular full-length counterpart. In this regard, firm conclusions about the future strategy of the corporation is too early to do "- said the expert J'son & Partners Consulting. 
Apple itself has traditionally refused to comment on the matter.

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