Powerup Tuner utility from PowerColor

PowerColor has released a utility company to set up and Overclocking Powerup Tuner . Utility looks like two peas similar to MSI Afterburner , developed by Alexey Nicolaychuk. And almost everything - from the GUI main windows and ending names checkbox settings.

Someone even might think that this is another heir RivaTuner, use proprietary technology Unwinder’s, but even the installation of the program shows that it is not - we asked questions and fun characters, regardless of the OS local. And why, after all in the small-small schools teach Chinese.

After installation on your compassion and of the inscriptions will be displayed in English, and some - still in Chinese, apparently, not to relax. Application, of course, does not do while running in support of a video card, so easily "fall out" with a critical error or reports no ADL-library. In some cases, you get just a malfunctioning application. Of course, MSI Afterburner with a full-featured "no sweat."

As they say, beware of imitations. The more that the new version of the utility EVGA Precision X 4.0.0 on preliminary data released during the month.

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Nice Technology