Analysts: iPhone and iPad - no longer "cool"

Analyst at Buzz Marketing Group argue that smartphones and tablets Apple among teenagers are no longer considered "cool." The survey found that American teenagers was fashionable Samsung phones and tablets Microsoft Surface.

" Teenagers suppose that Apple blown away," - aforesaid the researchers Buzz selling cluster. 
Kids do not want to be like the older generation that prefers "apple" products. Instead, they need a modern phone, and not inherited from the parents of the old iPhone. Android smartphones are equipped with a large screen and cheaper, say experts on the reasons why young people are increasingly looking towards devices Samsung.

Specializing in youth marketing company believes that this is a dangerous trend for Apple, which may have a negative impact on sales iPhone and iPad in both the short and long term. After all, teens will soon rise, are expected to become economically active population, while maintaining attachment to gadgets Samsung and Microsoft.

On the other hand, the iPhone and iPad do usually older and wealthier because Apple gadgets are more expensive than the average "Google phone" or tablet Android. According to studies, the average age of the owner of Android-devices - from 18 to 34 years.

Are iPhone and iPad «cool" as they accustomed, does one think?

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