Orthodox priest named Steve Jobs' autocratic manipulator

Orthodox priest Hieromonk Simeon said that Steve Jobs is not a good example to follow. He believes that Apple founder had the most negative qualities - intolerant, oppressive, and the desire to manipulate people.
According to the minister of the church, from a Christian point of view of all the personal qualities of Jobs with a minus sign from his personal life to work with subordinates.

"When you read the biography of Steve Jobs, then was surprised to see that mimic, in general, nothing. Its main tool - manipulating people to use them for their own purposes, and if the person has completed his own, then throw it in the trash, even close friends. "The field distortion of reality" - it is an inspired deception, intolerance, despotic, self-righteous, but the main goal - money, influence and success. "

I must say that religious people are not the first time criticized the great inventor. In January of this year, a Muslim preacher in Saudi Arabia, bin Sad Al-Shatar Steve Jobs called the "wrong" and not worthy of a Muslim honor. He forbade the followers of Islam to pray for the soul of the deceased businessman.

There were also more critical comments. In November last year, the Chief Rabbi of England, Lord Jonathan Sacks  has fallen sharply criticized the work of the founder of Apple . According to the cleric, that Jobs is responsible for the misfortunes of the world.

"Jobs has promoted the creation of a selfish consumer society that brought people to the mountain, but no joy. We have a culture of iPhone, iPod and anything that starts with the word "I". If you are an individualist, you live in a consumer society, and are acting only for his own good - you're living wrong "- he said.

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