Bill Gates: Apple needs its counterpart tablet Microsoft Surface

Microsoft founder Bill Gates believes that the new Tablet Surface , presented his company in June, are quite unique products, despite the fact that formally they are not much different from most competing products. With the exception of desktop platform, and a physical keyboard included, Microsoft Surface is a regular Tablet PC with touch screen.
Nevertheless, in an interview on PBS, Gates said that the Surface - a new "wave" form factor. The gadget combines the advantages of a tablet and a traditional PC. According to the founder of the Redmond company, he had long nurtured the idea of ​​tablets, but Steve Jobs was able to get ahead. Now, Gates is convinced that Apple should release a device resembling Surface. Apparently, it is a Tablet PC-based operating system, Mac OS X.
The idea of ​​combining in one device, tablet PC and has repeatedly been criticized not only by Steve Jobs, Tim Cook and. In April, the acting head of Apple, made a sharp criticism of the devices, which are a hybrid of laptop and tablet, as well as the universal operating system for computers and mobile gadgets.

"You can force to connect anything, but the problem is that this will turn out - Cook responded to a question about the prospects of convergence of laptop and tablet in a single device. - You can even combine a toaster and a fridge, but the result will not be pleasant and useful to the user. "

Cook said "pills" suitable for people who are not burdened with "legacy PC", and Bill Gates believes the continuity of infrastructure perhaps the main advantage of the Surface. So Gates' predictions about the inevitability of new copy plates Microsoft by Apple is hardly realistic.

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