Connection: Why Meyer Yahoo ideal candidate for the CEO

"Connection" magazine online edition today published a signed article, said Stephen Levy (Steven Levy), Google executive Marissa Mayer (Marissa Mayer) the ideal candidate for Yahoo CEO. The article pointed out that Meyer has plenty of energy, but more importantly, have a strong determination, she was CEO of Yahoo select the standard, such as a high degree of technical ability, product-oriented, familiar with the Internet, as well as has charisma to inspire their followers and so on.
The following is the full text of this article:

Marisa Meyer will begin to start working as Yahoo CEO (Artesyn Technologies with map)

The time is 10:30 pm Beijing's long day is over. Time by about 25 people attended the party has ended, this gathering is carried out by Google in Beijing, "gourmet" Kai-fu Lee selected a hotel. Travelers in the group - that is, the young "by-product managers, they have been selected as the future leaders of Google - and I hope to find a club to dance, but others only want to go to the hotel to sleep. When he was a Google executive Marissa Mayer (Marissa Mayer) also took part in this trip, she noted that such a situation, then suddenly stood up and published a lot of speech.

She supported the proposal going to the club, do not agree to return to the hotel to sleep. She said, those who do not want to go dancing with her and Kai-fu Lee to go with a traditional tea house sit. Finally, they do so, although some people keep the face of elegant ceramic teacup nap.

Of course, the nap of those do not include Meyer, she is the twenty-Google employees - from yesterday has become the new CEO of Yahoo - has been, she is energetic and achievements Premium people. Even in his early thirties, when her energy is still more than she was 10 new people is more abundant. However, more striking is her determination. As a reporter for that world tour accompanied by Meyer, former Wisconsin cheerleader, later transforming itself into Internet idol of women was most impressed by things. Meyer has an ability that she can rely on the judgment of their own intelligence quickly to priorities, in the heart of the data external to the calculus, and then make a decision, and confidently declared that the action steps.

Of course, she also has other talents, for the thousands of millions of users will be able to get as evidenced by dozens of products from Google. As the person in charge of search products, she has been involved collected from Gmail to the "ten blue links" a variety of product development process. When Larry Page (Larry Page) first thought of scanning all the books in the world, and then made available to any user can access the Internet, it is Meyer in the process of testing to scan a page open book, to identify the most voluminous of digital books need to spend much time.

Not all of her efforts have achieved success (online health information platform Google Health has never before received a healthy audience). Sometimes, her wealthy individuals, heroic style makes colleagues down the wrong path. (Google employees Highway No. 59 Doug Edwards (Doug Edwards), his memoirs, he would be Meier counted in the management of tougher opponents.) And there is definitely disappointing, and that is when Page last year took over as CEO of Google, he did not select the Meyer into the Senior Product Assistant "A" team. Meyer's character she has not caught the mood of depression, but engaged in a new position as supervisor of the mapping and localization services, and recently excited wave has just completed a new product.

Now, she will take advantage of their acquired skills in internal Yahoo to use their own determination. She and Yahoo both sides, this option makes sense for things. If you want Yahoo jumper ideal leader, then the description made by the candidates will be largely Meyer is similar to: a high degree of technical ability, product-oriented, familiar with the Internet, as well as have the charisma to inspire his followers.

Meyer is an excellent candidate for the leadership. When I first met her, it may be a decade ago, when I was impressed with not only her intelligence, while she explained Google is engaged in what work capacity (two of Google co-founder and little patience to do that). Over time, she has increasingly become the mouthpiece of the company before the public. As one of the company's key employees, authoritative speeches on the value of the company. This is very natural, because she is helping Google create the value of one.

Meyer and Google integration so deep that she is like the company's "primary colors". When the opportunity to redefine one of the Yahoo Internet giant, she will choose to seize this opportunity, this is not surprising, although the company is facing great difficulties. Familiar with Meyer's people know that one day she will become the CEO of a company.

Monday Yahoo announced the appointment of Meyer as CEO, I have a brief dialogue with her. I asked, in which Google experience she will bring Yahoo, and she immediately gave an answer. Concern for the user. "She said. "There are so many things to get Yahoo distraction, and therefore have to make people feel pleased and encouraged by the product is a very important thing." Since recent years, Yahoo has been more distracted by too many areas, rather than letting the user satisfaction. Starting today, Meyer will have the opportunity to change all that.

The changes made by Meyer in his career reminds me of another thing about that global journey. I had to participate in the journey of young managers did an informal survey, ask them to work for Google in the next five years, it will be the future prospects of this company, what kind of speculation, but No one sure way to answer it. When I took this question to ask Meyer (then we are living in Israel), she seemed calm. In fact, she told me that Google's future prospects will be positive, because this company's DNA will be spread throughout the Silicon Valley, so that everyone can benefit from.

Ironically, nearly five years now just from that conversation, those by-products manager, most people have to leave Google, only a few people to stay in this company. The problem is that I have not asked at that time, Meyer will leave Google. Now she really want to leave, we will focus on Google's DNA will be able to do for Yahoo.
Compile / Artesyn Technologies

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