Google is serious here is the potential assistant Voice of Jelly Bean!

In October came the Syrians, the first assistant on the speech for smartphones such as Apple created the media campaign to launch and market iPhone 4s. In February came the S-Voice, Samsung's answer to the Syrians with some similar features and a vocal approach similar to the European media, missing out on IOS and now ready to come with iPhone OS 6. Other proposals for developers and software houses have been presented in recent months until the arrival of Google .
Comparing Google's announcement at the Google I / O capabilities of the new Voice Search to the presentation made ​​by Apple, you'd think that the implementation by the search giant, the vocal duties is bland, not up to the competitor and such as not to be heralded as a functional decidedly important. We, by using Jelly Bean day, we have not appreciated the new Voice Search for considering the limitations of our language, but seeing the video below, we were stunned in front of the accuracy and potential of Google Voice from the server .

Whether you prefer Google Search or the Syrians or that are deemed both unnecessary and impractical choices is not important, what is clear is how the Google software is able to offer mixed results in a rapid, direct and above all with 47 questions in a row to which the Voice Search Jelly Bean never answers incorrectly and never interprets it wrong!

All mixed up with clear answers, with a voice "human" very nice (another planet compared to the other assistants voice) and visual results and additional information with respect to the question posed by the protagonist of the video. In practice, a software evolution, arrived on the market now and then still in development, announced at Google I / O, virtually unpublicized but, in fact, seems to offer something more than the competition. The integrated whole, beautiful, simple and intuitive to use.

Judge for yourself:
Do not miss the last 30 seconds!

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