Microsoft has denied the outlook of Apple's approach of "post-PC" era

In 2011 at the WWDC conference, Steve Jobs announced the coming of the era of "post-PC». If you previously had to connect to your computer for example, to add or remove calendars, now all this and more can be done directly. Members have used the iPhone and the iPad as their basic unit.
The success of smart phones and tablet Apple forced to believe that humanity is entering an era where the personal computer in its classical sense has lost its former importance. Whereas previously the center of your digital life has been a PC user - it was all his media-information technology is the development of photo and video files are stored not only on the computer, but on many other devices.

Microsoft to issue such a statement does not agree. Redmond company proved to be extremely "vindictive" as counter to the statement she gave Apple just this week.

Microsoft Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner at a meeting with counterparts criticized already become popular expression Apple. Cupertino company management believes Microsoft, creates an impressive hardware, but it does not give her the right to consider Tablet PC and the PC completely different devices.

"Yes, Apple makes great products. But in reality, a very important role played by the operating system, so we do not share the views of the opponent. Apple has said that started the post-computer era, they think tablet PCs and various devices. We think differently, "- said Turner.

Management believes that Microsoft, we are now entering an era «PC +», which in 1999 described the co-founder Bill Gates. And, not surprisingly, that Windows 8 is, in the words of Turner, a suitable operating system for a new era. You can enter information using a mouse, stylus, touch screen or keyboard. Switch between "two worlds" can be very simply by pressing a single button.

"We really believe that Windows 8 - is part of the" plus-computer "era, when the press of a button, and we go back to different worlds. In today's world should be and sensor technology, and the stylus and the mouse and keyboard, "- said Turner.

In actuality combining new and traditional form factors with Microsoft believes - this can be judged by tablet computers Surface, which are equipped with a keyboard. Although the yield of Windows RT and can be regarded as an attempt to gain a foothold in Redmond growing market for tablets, while the company's image is closely associated in most consumers' PC heritage. "

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