Updated SoundHound recognizes music faster and more accurate

Often, good music does not fall into our playlists, simply because he detected it during a restaurant , during a store or on the road, we have a tendency to don't grasp to increase, "what did you say? is this? songster? "The map of developers SoundHound isn't unique: they have solved the problem of music recognition using a mobile application that records the fragment tracks on the built-in microphone iPhone, iPad, or devices on Android, sends it to the server and sends back to the phone complete information: the artist, song title and album. A similar program (Track ID) was written by Gracenote in 2006 and was then a very good distribution in Sony Ericsson Series Walkman.

But the app SoundHound much better job of finding information about the tracks than Track ID. In the last update of the developers further improve the speed and accuracy of recognition of musical compositions. For the track that need access to the web, but even if it is not at hand, SoundHound saves recorded parts songs you that if you do not want to pay for mobile data traffic, can be identified later when connected to Wi-Fi. To determine the composition of an average of one out of 100 KB. SoundHound music base is huge, more than a year of active use of the program can only remember a couple of cases, when the search returned no results.

Among the features of the program is LiveLyrics - Text viewer found the songs and videos on YouTube search for the song you like and purchase songs from iTunes Store. Their musical discoveries, you can immediately share with friends on Facebook, Twitter, or send the information by e-mail.

In the online store App Store is available as a paid and free version of SoundHound . Paying $6.99, you can get access to an unlimited number of tracks to recognize songs and watch ads.

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