British schoolboy has received $ 1 million for the development of applications for the iPhone

17-year-old high school student Nick D'Aloisio UK received from investors of $ 1 million for the development of applications Summly. A prototype for the iPhone, which allows organize and compress the news of the day up to 400 characters, he introduced a year ago, but optimized and launched it just now.

To develop the program Nick D'Aloisio hired linguist from the laboratory semantics MIT, he also used his knowledge of a polyglot. Nick studied Latin, French, and Chinese. Also with the 12 years he has been involved in various programming languages. He was already predicting the future Mark Zuckerberg.

In November 2011, the development of the prototype has invested about $ 300,000, and the application has been downloaded 150,000 times. At design-time and run Summly Nick even had to temporarily leave school. However, the investment bonus of $ 1 million, which was a teenager at the end of October, has not only officially launch the project, but also to smooth future stress the need to catch up with the curriculum.

I invented Summly, because I realized that my generation does not accept the news in its traditional form - says Nick.

Summly  includes the popular news categories such as business, art, design, and even the 2012 election. As read long articles with the phone's screen is inconvenient, the program automatically compresses the text up to 400 characters, without losing the meaning. 

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