Fixed a problem with the peel case iPhone 5

One of the problems with the iPhone 5, widely discussed in the media at the launch of the smartphone, has scratches on the case. Newspapers are full of reports on the faces of the coating rubbed off on the new phone and terrible form scratches on Metal Jacket device.

In fact, the problem with the coated side edge that is characteristic mainly for the iPhone 5 in black, many pointed out. Wrote about it, and journalists-columnists in the first review of the gadget, and bought a novelty, stand in a queue, users. Some even decided to bring the smartphone to the store or change the white model, which appear almost immediately damage is not as noticeable. Apple said that it is absolutely normal as any gadget eventually wear out, especially a device such as a mobile phone.

Although the problem is not so serious picky owners of new items have solved this problem in the simplest way - polishing the rear edge iPhone 5. It is very easy if you get very fine sand paper grit. As a result, you can achieve perfectly polished faces on the site of scratches.

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