The output iPhone 5 will allow Samsung Galaxy S III to bypass sales iPhone 4S

The research firm Strategy Analytics has published a report with the study of the situation in the mobile market in the III quarter of this year, named the best-selling smartphone in the world on the basis of the period.

According to experts, from July to September 2012, the smartphone Galaxy S III managed to overtake a competitor in the person of iPhone 4S and become the best selling in the world. It is noted that in the III quarter of Samsung sold 18 million Galaxy S III, while the iPhone 4S for the same period in the quantity sold 16.2 million units. To such results, analysts say, has affected the output of the "five" - ​​many people have decided to wait for the iPhone 5 and not to buy iPhone 4S.

For the first time the share of its flagship mobile device from Samsung in the smartphone market has reached almost 11%, experts say.

However, analysts agree that the leaders of the smartphone from Samsung to be short-lived. At the end of the quarter to overtake IV iPhone 5 will go on sale in late September. In just a few days of sales of Apple's new party sold 5 million copies.

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