Users of the 32-gigabyte version of Surface available 16 GB

Surface has been in the hands of iFixit, who studied it with passion for maintainability. Then the cost of components gadget experts evaluated the company IHS iSuppli. In the first two cases, the device did not bring big surprises, in the context of available hard disk space Microsoft new tablet pretty distinguished.

For buyers device was a big surprise, that is available for their use only half of the available memory Surface. In particular, many are unhappy with the fact that the model with 32 gigabytes of storage capacity offers at least 16 gigabytes of space. Surface users with 64 GB of "missed" about 18 GB.

Microsoft today explained the mysterious disappearance of gigabytes. Thus, when expressed in radix 32 gigabytes become in fact the 29 GB and 64 GB reduced to 59 gigabytes. About 5 GB borrow backup OS and another 8 GB to the operating system and associated applications.

What if the remaining 16 GB of anything missing? In Redmond advised to use the "cloud" storage SkyDrive, as well as memory cards and USB-drives.

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