Sales of Windows 8 Microsoft disappoint

Now I recognize why Microsoft is in no hurry to publish official sales figures of Windows 8. According to journalist Paul citing sources within the company, Sales of the new operating system do not reach a certain level. Inside Microsoft Windows 8 distribution rate is currently described as disturbing.

Very dependable source familiar with the modem inside Redmond's sentiments, said that Microsoft executives are very unhappy weak assortment of new Windows-machines, many of which are also still available for sale. Selected as a number of other reasons, including the shortcomings of the platform, for example, confusing interface, combining the look of the standard Windows 7 and sensory elements. Mixing genres, of mobile and desktop operating system often leads people to confusion, when compared with the usual "Seven." Simultaneous release tablet Windows RT and desktop Windows 8 with one a user interface, according to analysts, would not go for the benefit of the latest popularity.

Company officials, at least publicly, that view does not agree. The head of Microsoft Steve Ballmer called Windows 8 Start outstanding. According to him, a few days after the start of sales were sold 4 million copies. By comparison, a desktop operating system OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion for the Mac, which share in the global PC market is incomparably lower in the first four days after the release downloaded over 3 million times. According to this index desktop platform Apple has become the most successful in the company's history.

According to a recent study of USA Today, in the United States to withdraw Windows 8 users know most operating systems from Microsoft, but many are willing to switch to a Mac or iPad, rather than to make an upgrade in the near future. In particular, about one-third of users of Windows 7, Vista and XP announced plans to buy a computer company Apple.

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