Top 10 fastest browsers on Mac and Windows

The research firm New Relic released the results of the study of modern browsers for the desktop and mobile operating systems to determine their performance. Experts note that the information at their disposal, the system is processing over 1 million visits to web pages every minute and over 40 billion each month.

According to the researchers, Google Chrome 19 is the fastest browser for Mac OS X, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 - on Windows. They have the lowest response time.

Among browsers for Windows Internet Explorer 10 application bypassed competitors like IE9, Firefox 15, Safari 5, Google Chrome 16, 17, 18, 21 and 22, and Opera 12. The slowest in the top ten is Chrome 22. In the top 10 of the fastest browsers for Mac OS X there is no standard version of Safari, as well as Opera. All ten positions occupied by various versions of Chrome and Firefox.

Fastest browser on mobile devices has become the browser on BlackBerry OS 5. Eight points out of ten of the most high-speed web browser for smartphones took different versions of Opera Mini.

Additionally, New Relic has found popularity rating browsers on different operating systems. Thus, the most popular sites Viewer for Windows is Chrome (41%). Own browser Microsoft - Internet Explorer - took second place (35%). The third position - Firefox (21%). Opera and Safari are followed by a large margin - 2% and 1% respectively.

The most popular web browser for Mac is - Safari, which owns 61%. In second place - Chrome, with a share of 21%. In the third - Firefox, which took 18%.

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