Scientists have found a way to dual the battery life of smartphones

Perennial problem of modern mobile devices is the relatively short battery life. The reason for that the huge displays. And un-optimized operating system and continuous operation of cellular modules.

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a technology that will increase the battery life of smartphones twice. At the same time, battery performance will remain the same, and the changes will affect the energy consumption of the algorithm inside the phone, especially the amplifier signal.

As the researchers note, power radio consumes a significant amount of power even in standby mode, to always be ready to go into active mode. As a result, energy is wasted. In addition, the existing chips to 65% of the energy, is released as heat, which explains the increase in temperature the body when transferring large amounts of data (download a file, for example).

Some smartphones use up to five RF power amplifiers, but researchers suggest using one that can determine the amount of energy required to operate with a frequency of 20 million times a second.

Technology will begin to apply in 2013. According to a MIT, their decision will reduce the amount of energy consumed by 50%, significantly increasing the battery life of mobile devices from a single battery charge.

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Nice Technology