iOS 6 has a bug that can cause excessive consumption of data connection

Following repeated complaints of users for excessive consumption and unexpected data connection, Public Exchange Labs has gone to the bottom in the topic and found that there is a bug in iOS 6.0 'AV Foundation framework that causes multiple downloads of the same file, in podcasts and audio files streamed with 3G connections.

Fortunately, the bug has been fixed in iOS 6.0.1 that encourage you to install. 
According to a statement from   Public Exchange Labs, audio streams with iOS 6 growing volume of data traffic because it mistakenly downloaded several times with many apps, including Apple's podcast. The problem was not present fortunately with iOS 5 iOS 6 but many users have seen disproportionate charge bills, some have become indemnify, many do not have even noticed. Important at this point the update iOS 6.0.1. if you use podcasts or audio streaming.

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Nice Technology