Cost of components iPad mini with 16 GB of memory is $188 dollars

Analyst firm iSuppli estimated the cost of components of a new tablet computer iPad mini, which went on sale on Friday, November 2.According to the researchers, the cost components of the model unit with 16 gigabytes of memory without a cell module is $ 188. Price versions with 32 GB and 64 GB of memory is more expensive at $ 90 and $ 162, respectively.

The most expensive component is the iPad mini display production LG Display and AU Optronics $ 80, which consists of the screen, the touch panel and the protective glass. When assembling the gadget involved technology GF DITO or GF2, allowing you to make the tablet is thinner by 18% in relation to the normal iPad - 7,6 mm to 9.3 mm.

iSuppli experts say that Apple is moving away from its competitor services on the mobile market Samsung, which is suing a California corporation in April 2011. In the investigated sample iPad mini South Korean company has made only 2-core processor A5, and components such as the display, memory and flash memory to store data have been released by other companies.

Apple products have traditionally had a high margin, which allows the company to get most of the profit attributable to the mobile industry. Competitors Google and Amazon are selling compact Android-tablets at a price close to the cost, hoping to profit from the sale of digital content from their online stores.

Earlier, analysts found that profits from each sold Apple iPad mini is from 35% to 58%, which is significantly lower than the iPhone and iPod touch. In comparison, the income from sales of various models of iPhone 5 is from 68% to 72%. However, the profitability of the fourth-generation iPad is also relatively low - 27-51%.

Recall, iPad mini with integrated Wi-Fi went on sale Friday in 34 countries. The recommended price of the device to the U.S. is $ 329 for 16 GB, $ 429 for 32GB and $ 529 for 64 GB. Option to support Wi-Fi and cellular networks will be a couple of weeks later. The prices of these models in the U.S. are $ 459 for 16 GB, $ 559 for 32GB and $ 659 for 64 GB.

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