GameStick more than $ 100,000 in 30 hours on Kickstarter and continues to grow!

The project GameStick Exceeded in less than 30 hours the goal of $ 100,000 set for development. A truly remarkable achievement but was broken again seen that after 72 hours we have over $ 225,000 of funds raised, a figure twice that predicted and ready to increase significantly because there are still 25 days to donate.

After the success of Ouya  seems that the public and users are very interested in this type of product. Small console handsets based on Android and can offer excellent performance at very attractive price.

Although we can not know yet if Ouya will be a success as it has not yet been commercialized, for GameStick seems to open up a future very extremely good start and already started on the right foot. I do not have to wait for updates on the project and the first statements of the developers and designers.

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