Samsung may abandon Android in 2013

Samsung has officially announced its intention to start selling smartphone operating system Tizen, developed jointly with Intel. The first devices based on the new OS will be released in 2013, the performance and cost of devices to be announced.

Observers believe that Samsung opted for Tizen in the effort to reduce its growing dependence on the successful operating system Android, especially in light absorption Google mobile phone manufacturer Motorola Mobility for $ 12.5 billion last spring.

Tizen is the operating system open source on the kernel Linux. It is designed for smartphones, tablets, laptops, televisions, navigation devices and other electronics. Development of the OS are Samsung and Intel with support from the Linux Foundation.

Samsung aims to facilitate its growing dependence on Google for fear of weakening its leadership position in the smartphone market. Analysts believe that in the future the Korean company can completely eliminate the use of Android, with the result that Google will lose its largest partner in the mobile market.

It is known that devices based Tizen Samsung product line will replace the inexpensive communicator platform bada. The intention to combine the two projects - Tizen and bada - the company announced in January last year.

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