Apple is developing an active stylus for iPhone and iPad

Steve Jobs has repeatedly said that the stylus for your smartphone or tablet - is a sign of failure. Icon believed that electronic pens are obsolete, and the latest technology to give preference fingertips. "God gave us ten styluses - let's not invent another" - said Jobs.

But, apparently, Cupertino Company abandoned development of the stylus. This is evidenced by a new patent filed by Apple in the Bureau of Patent and Trademark United States. Application for an "active stylus" describes the stylus, which is a more advanced version of this accessory and provides a more accurate recognition touching the touchscreen. Notes that the device is designed to reduce the cost of production of such products.

Previously, Apple has patented a "tactile" and "optical" stylus. The first allows you to feel a slight vibration, depending on the strength of the pressure on the screen, or move "pen" on the link, making communication with the iPad or iPhone more realistic, and the second can be equipped with an optical camera for precise positioning on the screen.

Despite the position of Jobs, Apple could think of to create a stylus for a long time. In early 2011, it was announced that the company has filed a patent application for such a peripheral one year after the first iPhone. From this it followed that the U.S. company plans to equip your stylus accelerometer that can track the movement of the device in space. The company's engineers have noted that such a "pen" can be used to select the brush size, color, or as an eraser.

On the other hand, Apple often gets patents for technologies that it may never be realized in commercial products.

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